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+(32) 475 872 522 info@solexlaperre.com

Solex Laperre

Oldtimer mopeds & motorcycles

Rental | Maintenance | Purchase | Sale | Restoration

Solex rental & routes

Drive through the beautiful South-West Flanders with an unique Solex
and enjoy our picturesque landscapes and memorabilia

Repairs & Maintenance

Repairs of oldtimer mopeds & motorcycles


Who are we? What do we do? Why are we doing this?

Welcome to Solex Laperre. Since the age of 12 I have been passionate about all kinds of old mopeds and motorcycles. As a hobby we refurbished the occasional moped, this has evolved from pastime to full time job in the last 10 years.

Together with my brother, we decided to delve into the defunct French brand Solex due to its increasing popularity and need for specialist in the field.

The concept according to three pillars:


Rental of top notch Solex motorcycles


Sales worldwide of both 2nd hand and perfectly restored mopeds with possibility to configure to your own specifications (Model, Color, finish,…)


Maintenance, restoration and repair of all brands of mopeds and motorcycles

The Name Solex Laperre came about in 2017. Everything started in our garage of 20m², from here the passion started to get out of hand. Every spare minute went to refurbishing vintage mopeds.

In 2018 it became clear to us, the Solexes were sold to be in store windows, this was confirmation that we were approaching perfection more and more.

In early 2019, we started promoting through social media. Because of my passion for photography, we reached a larger audience; young people. It’s like a chain reaction, one after another got the hang of it. With original patina or rather a perfectly restored example, almost everything can be realized by us. With original patina or rather a perfectly restored example, almost everything can be realized by us. In 2020 the big step was taken, the construction of a new workshop and showroom. 2021: Now it’s for real, from 20m² to 200m², from student to independent, from dream to lifestyle.

Louis Laperre.

- Sofie T.

“At first I wasn’t too keen on it, thought it was like a trottinette with a motorcycle. Nothing was further from the truth, once you are riding it worked really relaxing.”

- Bram B.

“Unique experience! The gentle wind whipping around you… exploring the picturesque roads… along with the soothing hum of that solex in your ears… savoring it!”

- Matthias R.

“We are from the area but still did a lot of great courses where we had never even ridden before.”

- Jasper V.

“Good combination of sightseeing and stopovers to grab a drink. Had a great time that day, fun guaranteed!”

- Roland K.

“Just mighty! Everyone you pass gets an instant smile on their face or starts waving… the mopeds ride pleasantly and are also beautiful in color combination. Definitely worth repeating with colleagues.”

Solex Laperre

Houthulststraat 100
8840 Staden